State Representative Application

This contract will outline the general guidelines and expectations for the BAA State Reps starting in 2021.

1. Being a BAA state rep, first and foremost, requires a professional and courteous attitude while promoting bowfishing and the BAA.
This includes, but is not limited to; anytime on the water, attending tournaments and all promotional events, posting on internet forums
and discussions with anyone outside of the BAA Directors concerning BAA business. Please be friendly and courteous when posting
pictures/video and use your best judgement for what may impact the BAA and your position in a negative manner. Failure to abide by
this will result in an immediate dismissal as a State Rep.
2. Any and all photographs forwarded to the BAA are assumed to available for the BAA’s use as needed. Please help us with awesome
content we can share on our social media pages!! In addition, reps are required to share BAA Facebook page posts atleast 2 times a
3. You are required to host/help with at minimum 2 bowfishing “events” a year. These “events” may include but are not limited to
membership drive at a tournament, bowfishing trips with youth events, clinics and/or seminars with local department of natural
resources or retail bowfishing stores.
4. As a State Rep, If not able to attend the annual meeting, You will be required to send a small update/ idea list to the director(s) before
those meetings so your ideas will be heard and we know you are still active and if anything is going on in your state.
5. A monthly report from your state is a requirement thru the Facebook State Rep group- the key to our success with fighting for
bowfishing rights is in the State Reps hands with getting information to us before it is too late. This can be as simple as “STATUS
UPDATE (Your State) and can be simple as “Nothing New” under it. State Reps will be held to this requirement for active roll reasons.
6.The BAA asks that if you have a lake/river system in your state/region that is suitable for The BAA World Championship that you work
to nominate your lake for voting. This may mean combining with other reps in your state/region to ensure that you have enough
resources to handle the task.
7.If your state/region is selected to host the World Championship, you are required to assist at the tournament. Example: Assisting
tournament director(s) to Help register new members for the BAA.
8.Requirement (new 2021) Sign up a minimum of (3) new members to the BAA. Use your name as a reference when your new
members signs up for giveaways for most members signed up! It’s worth it!! Trust us!!

  • By returning the contract with a concurrence statement electronically, you understand and agree to the contract.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

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