Atchafalaya Basin Tournament
Hosted by: Wendell Bordelon
Atchafalaya Basin Bowfishing
date 6/25/21
Welcome to the BAA Events Page. Here you will find dates of current BAA events from around the country.
Make sure to sign up for atleast premium membership to run for 2022 Bowfisher of the Year or Youth Bowfisher of the Year!!
2021 Bowfisher of the Year – Abby Heimdahl
2021 Youth Bowfisher of the Year – Abby Heimdahl
Atchafalaya Basin Tournament
Hosted by: Wendell Bordelon
Atchafalaya Basin Bowfishing
date 6/25/21
Events will be posted as they are received by the BAA. The BAA is not a tournament organization nor do host any tournament other then the BAA World championship.
For any details of the tournaments please contact the tournament director/host.
Tournament points form should be submitted no later than 30 days after the BAA sanctioned tournament has taken place. Acceptance is at the discretion of the Points Director.