Key Points
The bowfisher must be either a Premium or Platinum Member (paid membership) to qualify for Bowfisher of the Year consideration.
Points will be accumulated on a calendar year basis starting on Jan. 1 and ending on Dec. 31.
Points can be garnered in the following ways.
Attending Sanctioned Tournaments:
Points will be awarded based on the following criteria and proof of attendance/placement must be provided.
Tournaments with 10 boats or less: 50 points to win, reducing by 2 points per position.
Tournaments with 50 boats or less: 100 points to win, reducing by 2 points per position.
Tournaments with more than 50 boats: 200 points to win, reducing by 2 points per position.
World Championship Tournament: 400 points to win, reducing by 2 points per position.
Big Fish Award – Overall Big fish of the Tournament: 10 points
Points need to be submitted through our Tournament Points page.
Submitting Fish Records:
Adult World Record: 50 points
Adult State Record: 30 points
Setting a World Record supersedes a State Record. The person will only be awarded the World Record points. Record points will be validated by the Records Manager and combined with any tournament points if applicable.